MSL Medical Services Limited was incorporated on 20th August 2012 and provides independent expert opinion services. MSL’s clients are insurance providers; solicitors – dealing with personal injury claims, employment tribunal cases and family law; Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and corporate entities.
The provision of the best possible service and delivery of the highest standards of professionalism are the MSL sustained standard.
Our consultants go through an extremely thorough recruitment process before working for MSL and will always have the correct insurance and registration in place.
MSL consultants do not decide on the outcome or decision made on a report prepared as this decision is made ultimately by the issuing authority.
Michelle – Thank you for being so much fun to deal with! God bless
Just a quick email in relation to this case to advise that we were very pleased with the received from Mr X. The content was very informative, detailed and well presented.
Morning Michelle, just wanted to say thank you for arranging the appointment for Mr X so promptly and getting the report back to me. The report really helped, and I was able to make a positive decision that pleased the customer.
Thanks again Michelle for the speedy appointment and report for Mrs X – all sorted within a week! Plus, the report was excellent and gave me exactly what I needed with recommendations that I’ve forwarded to Mrs X’s GP. This really helped me assess the policyholder’s claim promptly and avoid a complaint which is always a good thing.
Thanks Michelle. Once again, thank you for your patience and support throughout this process, it’s been lovely speaking and dealing with you.
Good morning, I can confirm receipt of appointment details thank you. Please also thank Michelle for her kindness and warmth. Kindest regards
MSL Medical Services Limited
MSL achieves and maintains the highest standards and endeavours to ensure compliance across the industry sector. MSL achieves compliance by working to a benchmarking or best endeavours model, when MSL is not directly regulated.
Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) is about ensuring that consumers receive a fair and relevant product or service. Any such provider is duty bound to ensure they are in compliance with the regulatory rules.
TCF is a standard set by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), who expect firms to be transparent and accountable, thus enabling consumer trust to be restored in buying products and services.
© MSL Medical. All rights reserved. Company number 8185414. Website design & development by Casper Creative